The Collection
The collection is divided into two Record Groups and an Audio-Visual Lot. The first record group consists of Mr. Salvatore's writings. It includes unpublished works; published works with their drafts and editorial correspondence. These materials are divided among four sub-record groups that in turn are divided into distinct series. The sub-groups are Novels/Short Stories; Miscellaneous writings; Activities; and Correspondence.
Sub-Record Group 1 consists of Mr.Salvatore's unpublished and published novels and short stories. This group is divided into three series: the first series contains unpublished works; the second series contains short stories; and the third series contains novels. Mr. Salvatore's first published novel was The Crystal Shard in 1988. However, it should be noted that he had already written what became Echoes of the Fourth Magic, published in 1990. Each of Mr.Salvatore's published novels has been given a distinct sub-series and are arranged in chronological order as written. Each sub-series contains a variety of information pertaining to each novel. In most cases drafts, galleys, uncorrected proofs or some combination of same, as well as editorial correspondence are available for each item. When available, a published version of the novel or short story is included. In some instances a foreign language edition is included as well. Sub-Record Group 2 contains miscellaneous writings including gaming texts (an important part of the commercial fantasy world), and scripts adapted from Mr. Salvatore's work or adapted by him as in the case of Tarzan: the Epic Adventures. Also to be found here are several essays and some juvenilia preserved by one of Mr.Salvatore's elementary school teachers. Sub-Record Group 3 relates to Mr. Salvatore's activities as a best-selling author. Material includes items concerning book signings and tours as |